Introduction - Menu and Icon

Welcome to RC Island. In this site you will find basic information and useful tips for Restaurant City!

Let's get started!

Restaurant City
Restaurant City is a facebook game published by Playfish. The objective is to gain money, popularity and Gourment Point (GP) through attracting customers and
making dishes. It is a simulation game allow you to run your own restaurant. The game also allow you to communicate and interact with your facebook friends, by trading, sending gift, and even hiring your friend as your staff!

Restaurant City Icon:

After entering RC, you will see your own restaurant. And also you will see a menu bar:

Walk on the street, to visit others' restaurant, or decorate your exterior. (Note: visit a new friend can always receive a free ingredient)

: Spend money to change your style and clothing!

This one is important. Buying new furniture and facilities for your restaurant. By clicking the Decor mode you can move and organize your furniture, and also send gifts to your friends.

You can look at your own menu! To level up, you need to collect corespondent ingredient. You can trade the ingredient with your friends. Also you can lock up your ingredient here if you don't want anyone to trade it.

<--This means you can learn a new dish! The higher level of your dishes, Gourmet Point will increase faster.

rd: To check what award you have received.

Receive message, trade request, gift and daily quiz here!

Staff: To check whom did you hired and their status.

Inside the Restaurant...

Customers bring income, therefore the main point of the game is to attract more customers. The most important factor that determine number of customer is Popularity. Customers will get disappointed with poor management. You can observe customer's reaction to fix certain problem in your restaurant.

Not enough seat. Try to maximize the seat.
Customer waited too long for their food.
Table needs to be cleaned up
Your restaurant is too dirty. Just click on whatever u think it is dirty!

Customer is disappointed
Customer is impressed
This shows your popularity. Max is 50
Your staff is exhaust! You will probably see this after you just login to RC. Try to feed them food or send them to rest.

Tips - Ingredients


You can only trade ingredients. They cannot be gifted to you. The difference between a locked and unlocked ingredient would be. For a locked ingredient you need the other party to accept. If it is unlocked you just need to trade an ingredient with equal or more stars and the person does not need to accept.

More Ingredients?
Go to the playfish forum and add random people to your facebook. After you add them, go to their store and get a new ingredient, then just delete them.

Trade Useful Ingredients?
The only way to get the right ingredient is to trade with friends. Go to your friend's restaurant, then click their menu. Drop down what dishes are they upgrading and try to trade the ingredient that they need with the ingredient that you need.

Tips - Maze


A maze is something people do to stall their customers and make them walk longer to get to their destination giving your staff more time to clear the tables and what not. It is however your own preference as mazing has its ups and downs.

In my opinion, a maze is necessary to make sure the waiters get enough time to clean up a table before the next customer sit down and order, especially when your staffs are below 80% energy, a maze is very effective!

Tips - Myth of stove and furniture

More expensive stove/furniture

The purpose of most stuff in the game is merely just to give your restaurant the style you desire. A more expensive stove does not cook faster. And better chairs do not provide better comfort or make them wait longer. Besides the Arcade,stove, table and chair none of the items have any use and just serve as decorative items.

Tips - Waiting Chair

What are waiting chairs?

Waiting chairs is a new feature (sort of) in Restaurant City. In the past, when customers sit on chairs that don't have a table in front of them, they will leave almost immediately. Now, the Playfish developers have lengthened the time of those customers waiting, so that odd chairs (chairs without tables) can be used as waiting chairs.

Here are some tips:

- Your waiting chairs won't work if they are right next to the door. Try putting them to 90 degrees to your door(s), or a bit further away from the door(s).

- You don't need to create a 'maze' like me. I only placed my waiting chairs the furthest walking distance from the door because it fits my layout (as a 'waiting and relaxing corner'). My customers on waiting chairs usually sit for 1-5 seconds and they'll get a seat at the table.

- Also, bear in mind that you can't place a chair in a corner as the customer won't be able to walk in. Try replacing it with a decoration instead if you feel that the corner looks empty.

- Don't put a few chairs facing the same table as waiting chairs. This will not work.

- As someone also suggested, it's usually works when you 'wall in' the waiting chairs (make a little corner with a small entrance to the 'waiting area').

- Don't put TOO MANY waiting chairs. Your customers will still leave if they don't get a table soon.

- Some players will say that the retro arcade machines lose their function once waiting chairs can be used. I say this is not true. It is still better to use 2-4 arcade machines to maintain your popularity level (depending on the size of your restaurant). Of course, if you have never used an arcade before and feel comfortable with it, just stick with what you originally have.

Tips - Magic of Arcade


You probably will noticed, arcade is the ONE and ONLY facility that is functional among all the furniture. (of course, except tables and chair) Customer can spend time there, stay there and play. So.. whats special about it??

While you are getting higher popularity, more people will come to your restaurant. However there are limited cooks and waiters, as well as tables and chairs. Arcade is the only way to keep the customer from dissatisfaction. People will automatically go to the arcade and play while there is no more seat and table. This is the best way to keep your popularity at the maximum in higher level. So, don't spend money on other furniture!!!

However, arcade don't gain any money...

Tips - Expert tips

You have now the stuff u need( in door items), 8 customers and a cool restaurant, maybe u asked yourself what shall you do.. well heres a small and big tip for you:

Money: Dont waste money on items, just take care of your employers health.
The most health, the most they work, so what do i mean..

* If ur employer reached 75 health give her/him water 75% > 100%
* If ur employer reached 50 health give her/him apple 50% > 100%
* If ur employer reached 25 health give her/him banana 25% > 100%
* If ur employer reached 0 health give her/him water sandwitch% > 100%

With 3 dishes in 10 and all ur empoyers working hard u'll make 15.000 points a day

Tips - Advance tips

Expand the tables after geting the 8th employer

Now u've more space.. Make the maze bigger!

Now we are lvl 17. What shall we do?
Make an island as well, the best and fastest way to get points and cash

What do i mean with islands?
Here you have a tutorial about islands:

Remember, dont waste money in decoration and designs before reaching lvl 20.. use that money to get points faster.. example, dont make your emplyer rest, give him/her water when he/she is 75% and you will have a lot of popularity points too.

Why I dont grow points? I want to level up!:

Your gourmet points (the points you need to level up) go up faster if you open your interior page (restaurant city game opened). If you go outside or close the game, you get money but your points doesnt go up.

My points are growing so slow.. Why?

Because you need lvl 10 dishes!

1 of each.. (Starter, Main, Dessert)

Example: if you have a lvl 1 starter dish, lvl 10 main dish, lvl 1 dessert dish
when the costumer eats a starter u receive low points, when the costumer eats the main (lvl 10) you obtain 3ple points (2.8 l 3..)

So, you need 3 dishes in lvl 10 and then you will lvl up faster!

Tips - Beginner tips

Dont waste your money in decoration when you start, dont buy floor and expensive chairs, tables or stooves*. (I made those mistakes that's why u must avoid it)

Dont buy expensive ones! they are the same with another design, if u think ppl are more comfortable with luxury chairs/tables ur wrong.. its the same a chair of 150$ than 1 of 1400$!
Same with stooves! The 200$ Stoove works equal than the 4000$ they has just a different decoration for your design..

So, Buy things that you really need.

Put the tables near the stooves, dont make the waitres walk too much and you will earn points and cash faster!

Make people walk a lot before they reach chair, thats a huge adventage for you, the waitres has more time to serve other persons and clean the table too. Dont waste money in expensive mazes.. make it with trophies ,mailbox and junk too

This is the calculation of all the ingredients you will need to get all the dishes to lvl 10

Cheese x 90
Flour x 80
Potato x 80
Cream x 70
Egg x 70
Salad x 70
Tomato x 70
Rice x 60
Beef x 50
Bread x 50
Butter x 50
Bayleaf x 40
Chicken x 40
Sugar x 40
Tuna x 40
Chili x 30
Garlic x 30
Icecream x 30
Leek x 30
Lemon x 30
Milk x 30
Onion x 30
Pasta x 30
Peas x 30
Strawberry x 30
Banana x 20
Bacon x 20
Basil x 20
Beans x 20
Carrot x 20
Chocolate x 20
Kiwi x 20
Lamb x 20
Lime x 20
Lobster x 20
Mango x 20
Mushroom x 20
Pork x 20
Prawn x 20
Pumpkin x 20
Sausage x 20
Tofu x 20
Apple x 10
Dragon Fruit x 10
Noodles x 10
Pepperoni x 10
Pomegranate x 10
Saffron x 10
Sweetcorn x 10

Tips - Useful tips

Tips and Tricks
  • Don't waste valuable ingredient slots by learning many dishes. Stick to the one dish for each category that you think is tasty! (mango pudding yum! )
  • Keep your employees happiness over 80% to make them work fast and earn more money.

  • Personally, for earlier levels (i.e. LV14 to LV19) maze is not needed to attain popularity of 50. Sometimes its even inefficient because your customers walk too slow. (assuming employees are happy!)

  • Don't hoard your cash, it's bad for the economy; spending gains GP!

Tips - Island Layout

Island Layout

You can begin using island layouts when you have a total of 6 staff.

The reason why using a island layout.... to minimize the travel distance for the waiters!

What is an "island" layout?
If you've ever seen a restaurant that has two or more separate sections, or "islands", with its own cooks and waiters, then you've seen an example of an island layout. Here's one, as an example:

What's so special about island layouts?
Island layouts are unique in that they are extremely efficient. As you can see that smaller restaurants (few cooks and tables) are always more efficient than bigger, bulkier restaurants. In a small restaurant, waiters don't have to walk as much to serve customers, while long walks are almost unavoidable for big restaurants.

The beauty of an island layout is that we can take that big, bulky restaurant and split it back down into those smaller, much more efficient chunks.

On Bugs and Problems
Unfortunately, island layouts are plagued with a host of problems. Without the right island set up, the game will get confused and repeatedly put all your waiters in one island or scatter them randomly. However, we can overcome all these problems.

**The next section will show you how to set up your island layout right so that it works correctly and consistently, without any of the problems.**

Island Building
Okay, so you're ready to go out and build your island layout! There is only one thing that you must do to get island layouts to work consistently. I don't know why it works, but if you do it right then you won't encounter any problems.

Check your waiters, swap your stoves
After you've completed your layout, go ahead and assign your waiters and cooks. The following two things can happen:

Possibility 1: Your waiters are in the right position:

Congratulations! Go ahead and Save & Close. If they're still in the right position when you reload the app, then you're done! Otherwise, please read on.

Possibility 2: Your waiters are in the wrong position:

Don't feel bad, this happens. What you need to do now is to go into the furniture view, and swap your stoves (I'm not kidding). Randomly take one of your stoves, and swap it with another one:

After each time, leave the furniture view and check to see if your waiters are now in the right positions. If not, keep going (this should only take 1-3 attempts). Otherwise, Save & Close, and if the waiters are still correct after you reload the app, then congratulations! You are done!

As long as you don't touch your stoves again, your waiters will always appear correctly and your restaurant will run at its peak efficiency.

Recommended Layouts
Here are recommended island layouts that have been tested and verified.

4 Cooks, 2 Waiters

[Avg. customers served per minute: 11.2]

5 Cooks, 2 Waiters

[Avg. customers served per minute: 14.6]

6 Cooks, 2 Waiters

[Avg. customers served per minute: 17.8]

Tips - Table arrangement and Number of staff

Staff is limited! Therefore you got to find a best way to serve your customers!

Ratio of Cook and Waiter

Here is the most effective ratio of staff:

3 staffs - 2 cooks : 1 waiter
4 staffs - 3 cooks : 1 waiter
5 staffs - 4 cooks : 1 waiter (you better always keep the waiter's energy level above 80%) or 3 cooks : 2 waiters if you don't want to feed your waiter so often.
6 staffs - 4 cooks : 2 waiters
7 staffs - 5 cooks : 2 waiters
8 staffs - 6 cooks : 2 waiters

As you can see, the best ratio is about 3 cooks per 1 waiter.

Table Arrangement

In order to effectively serve all the customers, you need to minimize the travel distance for waiter. To minimize the distance between the stove and customer's table, you will minimize the time for the waiter to travel, therefore you can save more time and avoid the customer to wait too long for their dish.

for example:

This waiter can serve 7 tables without even travel a single space. However, this is just a demonstration because 1 cooks can NEVER serve 7 tables.

Here are some suggestion for table arrangement:

2 cooks 1 waiter

3 cooks 1 or 2 waiters

4 cooks 2 waiters

5 cooks 2 waiters

Useful hint!!!: The best ratio between cook and table is 1:3, 1 cook serve 3 tables. By the time your cook finished the 3rd dish, your 1st customer is already finished his meal and leave the restaurant. If you put more than 3 tables, your cook probably will not have enough time to serve all customers.

In my opinion, best ratio between cooks, waiters and tables are:

3 staffs - 2 cooks : 1 waiter : 6 tables
4 staffs - 3 cooks : 1 waiter : 9 tables
5 staffs - 4 cooks : 1 waiter : 12 tables or 3 cooks : 1 waiter: 9 tables
6 staffs - 4 cooks : 2 waiters : 12 tables
7 staffs - 5 cooks : 2 waiters : 15 tables
8 staffs - 6 cooks : 2 waiters : 18 tables

also see: for more information

Food Quizzzz

Daily Food Quiz

You will receive Daily Food Quiz. Every correct answer will receive a ingredient.
However, some of the questions are really difficult. It is a multiple guess instead of a multiple choice.
You can search for the answer on the internet, but you need to answer within the 10 sec period, so it is kind of impossible
The following a link that can direct you to the answer of the food quiz question.

Or here are some of the question and answer. Just take a look or click "ctrl + F" then type the key word of your question.

Q: What is the color of Rhubarb?
A: Red

Q: What is coconut?
A: Fruit

Q: Where is Tuna from?
A: Salt Water

Q: What is Saffron?
A: Spice

Q: Where does Dim Sum originate from?
A: China

Q: Calzone can be found in what restaurant?
A: Italian

Q: To garnish a food means?
A: To give a final touch

Q: Which animal does lard come from?
A: pig

Q: Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented?
A: Soybeans

Q: What is kimchi, a Korean food, made from?
A: Fermented vegetable

Q: What colour is a granny Smith Apple?
A: Green

Q: The tomato is…?
A: A fruit

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style?
A: Deep dish

Q: What is the main ingredient in Ratatouille?
A: Tomato

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi?
A: Horseradish

Q: Prunes are dried…?
A: Plums

Q: What is the colour of Tuna?
A: Pink

Q: To refresh vegetables is….?
A: To immerse in COLD water

Q: TOFU is made of …. ?
A: Beans (Soy) It’s along that line.

Q: Where does taco orignate from?
A: Spain

Q: Where does pizza orignate from?
A: Italy

Q: What is the main ingredient in Hummus?
A: Chickpeas

Q: What is Hashi?
A: Japanese Chopsticks

Q: Which country(continent?) produces more chocolate?
A: Africa

Q: Tapas can be found in what restaurant?
A: Spanish

Q: Which part of cow is the sirloin steak?
A: The center/middle

Q: Bechemel sauce is know as…
A: White sauce

Q: To Proof dough means to…
A: Allow it to rise

Q: Chili is…
A: A fruit

Q: What part of a cow is the chuck?
A: Shoulder of a cow or the front area

Q: To blanche food is to?
A: Par boil it

Q: New-York Style Pizzas are generally?
A: Thin crust

Q: Where is the hamburger originaly from?
A: United states

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find sushi?
A: Japanese

Q: Ratatouille is?
A: A vegetarian dish

Q: What is Calzone?
A: Pizza

Q: Dulce de leche is prepared by heating…?
A: Sweetened Milk

Q: What is tomato?
A: Fruit

Q: What is the spiciest pepper?
A: Naga jolokia pepper

Q: Venison is the meat from what animal?
A: Deer

Q: calzone can be found in what restaurant?
A: Italian

Q: To garnish a food means?
A: To give a final touch

Q: What colour is a granny Smith Apple?
A: Green

Q: which animal does lard come from?
A: pig

Q: what is natto, a japanese food, made from fermented?
A: beans

Q: what is kimchi, a koren food, made from fermented?
A: vegetable

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style?
A: Deep dish

Q: What is the main ingredient in Ratatouille?
A: Tomato

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi?
A: Horseradish

Q: Where did Pizza originate from?
A: Italy

Q: what is hashi
A: japanese chopstick

Q: where does tapo orignate from
A: spain

Q: Tapas can be found in what restaurant?
A: spanish

Q : Which part of cow is the sirloin steak?
A : The center/middle

Q: what color is Grandma something’s apple?
A: EX- -RED APPLE- the word beneath it says “yellow”

Q: Bechemel sauce is know as
A: White sauce

Q: To Proof dough means to
A: Allow it to rise

Q: Chilli is…
A: Fruit

Q: Which country produces more chocolate?
A: Africa

Q: to blanche food is to?
A: Par boil it.

Q: The Rump is find where from the cow?
A: Back

Q: Venison is the meat from what animal?
A: Deer

Q: What is Houmous made from ?
A: Chickenpeas

Q: Where does Dim Sum originate from?
A: China

Q: in which restaurant would you typically find sushi?
A: Japanese

Q: What is main ingredient of tofu?
A: soy beans

Level and Reward

Dish Level

After a customer finishes a meal, you will get point. Point is determined by the level of your dish. Level 1 dish will get 1.0, and every level you upgrade, the point will be increased by 0.2.

Level 1 - 1.0
Level 2 - 1.2
Level 3 - 1.4
Level 4 - 1.6
Level 5 - 1.8
Level 6 - 2.0
Level 7 - 2.2
Level 8 - 2.4
Level 9 - 2.6
Level 10 - 2.8

Restaurant Level

Your restaurant will level up once you reach certain point, and also the size of the restaurant and number of staff will be increased as you are getting higher level. You can hire maximum 8 staffs.

Level 1
50 Gourmet Points
2000 Cash

Level 2
70 Gourmet Points
3rd Employee and 300 Cash

Level 3
100 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 4
200 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 5
500 Gourmet Points
4th Employee and 300 Cash

Level 6
1,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 7
2,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 8
4,000 Gourmet Points
5th Employee and 300 Cash

Level 9
6,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 10
8,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 11
10,000 Gourmet Points
6th Employee and 300 Cash

Level 12
14,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 13
18,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 14
22,000 Gourmet Points
7th Employee and 300 Cash

Level 15
30,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 16
38,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 17
46,000 Gourmet Points
8th Employee and 300 Cash

Level 18
58,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 19
70,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 20
86,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 21
102,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 22
122,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 23
142,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 24
166,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Level 25
190,000 Gourmet Points
Larger Restaurant and 300 Cash

Higher level is available upon further official update.