Let's get started!
Restaurant City
Restaurant City is a facebook game published by Playfish. The objective is to gain money, popularity and Gourment Point (GP) through attracting customers and making dishes. It is a simulation game allow you to run your own restaurant. The game also allow you to communicate and interact with your facebook friends, by trading, sending gift, and even hiring your friend as your staff!
Restaurant City Icon:
After entering RC, you will see your own restaurant. And also you will see a menu bar:

Street: Walk on the street, to visit others' restaurant, or decorate your exterior. (Note: visit a new friend can always receive a free ingredient)
Fashion: Spend money to change your style and clothing!
Decor: This one is important. Buying new furniture and facilities for your restaurant. By clicking the Decor mode you can move and organize your furniture, and also send gifts to your friends.
Menu: You can look at your own menu! To level up, you need to collect corespondent ingredient. You can trade the ingredient with your friends. Also you can lock up your ingredient here if you don't want anyone to trade it.

Award: To check what award you have received.
Mailbox: Receive message, trade request, gift and daily quiz here!
Staff: To check whom did you hired and their status.
Inside the Restaurant...
Customers bring income, therefore the main point of the game is to attract more customers. The most important factor that determine number of customer is Popularity. Customers will get disappointed with poor management. You can observe customer's reaction to fix certain problem in your restaurant.